As part of an awareness campaign SOBS (Survivors of Bereavement by Suicide) is challenging volunteers, supporters, donors and everyone in-between to walk or run 100 million steps collectively in 100 days. Angela Clarke tells us why she is taking part.
I am taking part in ‘Hope in Every Step’. The aim is for all those taking part to collectively walk a billion steps by the 10th September which is ‘World Suicide Prevention Day. I am stepping in memory of my son, Peter, who took his own life over 16 years ago.
The step counting has only been going a few weeks but already we have achieved nearly 17% of a billion steps and I personally have contributed 117,933 steps and my daughter, Vicky has done over 118 thousand. There are over a thousand people stepping already.
However the more the merrier so if you would like to have your everyday steps counted for SOBS the link to join is here You have to upload an app called ‘YUMUUV’ the link is on the Facebook page and it will automatically link to your smartwatches or fitness trackers. If you don’t have one you can upload one from Google play or apple stores.
You can also get a free T shirt, if you want to. You might not when you see me in mine!
If you want to donate, go to our website:
Just a mention for the future, All Saints with Holy Trinity is holding a Suicide Bereavement Memorial Service on the afternoon of 9th September, more about this later. This is the day before the end of the Stepping challenge and so we a joining in with a number of events around the Country.