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News and Resources from All Saints

At All Saints we consider ourselves to be a learning community, particularly around the areas of Inclusive and Eco Church and in our desire to develop as an Intercultural Worshipping Community. The bible, theology, science and listening to the experiences of people, particularly those historically marginalised and discriminated against today, help us live out our Christian faith.

Our preaching, courses, creative seasonal liturgy and inspiring music help us in our learning and growing as Christians who are seeking to live out our faith in the modern world. The News and Resource Hub is being developed as the place to visit for recordings, videos, articles, discussions and liturgies to encourage, inspire and challenge.

Plus this is the place to share news of what we've been up to. Keep checking back as we add more over items over the coming year.

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St Martha

'We're All Saints' In All Our Diversity

The first in a series of paintings depicting Loughborough Saints from around the globe has been unveiled at All Saints with Holy Trinity Church in Loughborough as part of its ‘We’re All Saints’ project.

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Christmas Day Sermon 2024, Penny Pullan

Has anyone had good presents today? Did you notice that today’s Gospel reading was about a gift, although it didn’t use that language. It’s all about a really amazing, stupendous, mind-blowing gift. Let’s dive in and see if we can find out more…

Christ The King Jcctk Joan Cole

Christ the King for all 'peoples'

Pilate asked him, ‘So you are a king?’ Jesus answered, ‘You say that I am a king.

Ws All Souls Service

A reflection for All Souls Day

It's All Souls this weekend when we remember those we've lost. This reflection on Psalm 23 resonated at an Evensong earlier this year and it's a reminder that God is with us always, even in the valley of the shadow of death...


‘We’re All Saints’ A Community Art and RE Project for All Saints with Holy Trinity, Loughborough

All Saints are excited to report that funding has been granted through the Inter-Cultural Worshipping Communities seed fund, to commission some artwork for the church which will lead to some collaborative projects with local schools and community groups.


Where is Amadika hiding?

Amadika, which translates to beloved in English, is having an adventure around the church building. Will you be able to see her, as she makes her way on her journey.