News and Resource Hub
News and Resources from All Saints
At All Saints we consider ourselves to be a learning community, particularly around the areas of Inclusive and Eco Church and in our desire to develop as an Intercultural Worshipping Community. The bible, theology, science and listening to the experiences of people, particularly those historically marginalised and discriminated against today, help us live out our Christian faith.
Our preaching, courses, creative seasonal liturgy and inspiring music help us in our learning and growing as Christians who are seeking to live out our faith in the modern world. The News and Resource Hub is being developed as the place to visit for recordings, videos, articles, discussions and liturgies to encourage, inspire and challenge.
Plus this is the place to share news of what we've been up to. Keep checking back as we add more over items over the coming year.
Loughborough Peregrine Project moves into next phase
This exciting project to encourage peregrine falcons to nest on the tower at All Saints has moved forward over the last week.
Flora, Fauna and Ecological Connections on the Parish Green
A member of our Warden Team - Amanda Ure recently carried out an ecological survey of the All Saints Parish Green.
The Politics of Climate Change: a Sermon by the Revd Jeremy Caddick
A sermon preached as part of our Creationtide series by the Dean of Emmanuel College Cambridge relfecting on the need for a political not just a personal response to the climate crisis.
Sermon Sunday 23rd July : James Badger
The sermon for Sunday 23rd July was delivered by James Badger who discussed the messages and imagery presented to us in the parable of the wheat and the weeds.
Snowdrop Saturday
Building on the success of last year’s Snowdrop Saturday – the plan this year was to plant 2000 bulbs!
Our Pet Blessing Service
This September we held a joyous celebration, blessing the much-loved pets of our community. Revd. Emily Sharman presided over the blessing of our furry, finned and flying friends.
The Blessing of the Bicycles Prayer
A Prayer crafted for the purpose of blessing bicycles