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What is the Blessing of the Bikes?

Originating in 1999 in New York, A Blessing of the Bikes, or Bicycle blessing, is an annual tradition for some churches. It is a service in which the priest will bless bicycles and other wheeled transport such as scooters and tricycles. Some congregations will also bless motorbikes. The hope is that it will bring safety to the rider in the coming season.

It involves the sprinkling of Holy water over the Bicycles and a prayer of blessing is said over them.

We chose to finish our season of Creation tide with this service on the first Sunday in October. We hope that it will become an established annual tradition, which promotes environmentally transport in the community.

Each bike was blessed and a sticker was given to every rider to show their bike had received the blessing.

The following blessing was created by Revd Emily who also performed the blessing.

A Blessing for Bicycles

All Loving and Eternal Lord, 

grant your people grace to draw near to you. 

O God, you have made us in your image 

with hopes to create new things. 

The roads we have and the vehicles we use 

come to us through your vast creation. 

We thank you for the resources used to create these bikes 

and the invention of the human mind which designed them. 

Today we gather to ask your blessing upon these your people, 

and upon their bikes. 

God bless these bikes and all who travel upon them, 

May their gears be smooth, their brakes be strong, 

Their tyres puncture proof and blessed with a seat of comfort, 

May each journey be fruitful and other road users hospitable. 

As legs pump and heart rate rises 

may your rider’s health improve with every trip, 

Creation thanks you for your clean honest transportation. 

I bless you in the name of The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit 


revd Emily blessing a number of bicycles
Revd Emily Sharman blessing all the bicycles in the chancel