Minster Communities – some reflections on the process so far
As part of the Minster Communities process, James and I, along with representatives from churches in the Northwest Leicestershire area were invited to two sessions where we could
share who we are as individual churches and our thoughts about the future...what would be beneficial, what concerns we have and why we should take part.
Of course, in two sessions, we couldn’t talk with everyone, but we were both pleasantly surprised to find that, despite potential difficulties, people were more positive and prepared to consider working in a new way than we had expected.
We all felt able to speak honestly whilst sharing our storyboards, asking questions, and listening carefully to each other's experiences. Some churches had been through very difficult times over the years but had been able to find ways to fulfil their needs by working with other churches to keep faith, prayer and pastoral needs alive in their communities. James and I were both moved by the stories we heard and began to see how important it is that we should all be helping each other, sharing our gifts, and living out our inclusive church aims.
Although our situations are all different...geographical area, churchmanship, music, ethos...we mostly shared similar concerns. No one wants to lose their identity. It's who we are, but it was generally felt that being part of the process could have benefits for all.
It’s also very reassuring that the Diocese is promoting and supporting discussion in a positive and practical way at every step, inviting questions and encouraging engagement. The process has been born out of scarcity but may well have the potential to provide abundance ultimately.
I pray that that will be so.
Angela Woodward