It was a special afternoon in church on Sunday 18 June. Celebration was in the air. Choir and congregation came together for Choral Evensong, an act of worship in words and music led by the Revd Liz Piki and based upon the 1662 Prayer Book. As the final chords from the concluding organ voluntary faded away there was a photo call, everyone invited to take part. T
Refreshments of bubbly (with alternatives) and cake were then offered. Glasses were raised in a toast to 'interim' Choral Director Simon Headley on the first anniversary of his appointment. It was the turn of the choir next.
40 years ago, in 1983, the choir emerged as a permanent feature of the musical life of the church. Three Directors later – Peter Underwood, Emma Trounson and Simon – this group of singers continues to thrive. Its (relative) longevity has not happened by chance. Rather, it reflects the loyalty and dedication of each and every member (in excess of 100 since that first year). Peter, Emma and Simon have each contributed significantly to the shape and pace of this journey, interpreting their role differently but demonstrating impressive skills and qualities – and a very necessary sense of humour!
Arguably, the choir’s current repertoire would be hard to match elsewhere. It is also worth noting that virtually without exception every member of the choir undertakes another role within the church. Three, for example, have joined the newly formed Pastoral Team. Behind the refreshment table was a founder member of the original choir. Another member (of 20 years’ standing until she retired recently), lent a hand with cake assembly.
A sincere tribute was paid to the congregation for their unstinting support and encouragement. Glasses were refilled and toasts offered to everyone present.
Oh, 18 June was also a choir member’s 75th birthday and it was Father’s Day too!
Altogether a very affirming, joyful and memorable occasion.
Howard Jones