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‘We’re All Saints’ A Community Art and RE Project for All Saints with Holy Trinity, Loughborough

All Saints are excited to report that funding has been granted through the Inter-Cultural Worshipping Communities seed fund, to commission some artwork for the church which will lead to some collaborative projects with local schools and community groups.

As the project title suggests the paintings will portray four ‘saints’ from across the globe to reflect and welcome the diverse congregation, parish and town of Loughborough. They will act as an invitation to discipleship and an acknowledgement that according to the New Testament we are all saints. The paintings will also act as a springboard for a creative arts and RE project in local schools which will be led by RE advisor Lat Blaylock. It will culminate in a summer exhibition which will feature the Loughborough Saints paintings and the schools’ art as well as food and music from around the world.  

All Saints is delighted to have commissioned Birmingham artist Eddy Aigbe to paint the Loughborough Saints, which will be rich with symbolism reflecting the story, values and context of All Saints.

 The schools’ RE work has already begun, and will link in to the Leicestershire prescribed RE curriculum looking at inspirational people from all faiths and none. Our hope for the church-based discipleship aspect of the project can be summed up in the words of Paul’s prayer for the Ephesians Ch 3 v 17-19 ‘That you, being rooted and grounded in love, may have the strength to comprehend along with all the saints what is the breadth and length and height and depth and to know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge, that you may be filled with all the fullness of God.’
