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In this video Revd Wendy gives an overview of the key parts of the Maundy Serivce liturgy, the first of the three services that make up the Triduum, the ancient liturgies that take us through the drama of Holy Week.

At this service we recall the words and actions of Jesus in washing the disciples feet and in taking bread and wine:

love one another as I have loved you
Take, eat this is my body

These words that are central to our Christian faith come from this mometnt in the life of Jesus and in the liturgy of Maundy Thursday we are invited to participate in them in a very tangible way.

The third part of the service is The Watch, where we hear the request of Jesus that we might stay awake and watch and pray with him. Wendy is joined by the Revd Angela Tarry, who as part of her research in to the spirituality of sleep, considers what it means for us to forgoe sleep in this way as part of a church service.