Stewardship for a new Season
As we look ahead to a new season in the life of All Saints we are committed to continuing the inclusive ministry that we share of being a place of welcome and hospitality for all.
We ask everyone to take some time in the autumn to reflect on how we can contribute as individuals to this ministry through our financial giving and to bring those pledges back to church for our annual Thanksgiving Service which this year falls on Sunday 29th October.
You can download a letter from our Church Wardens, the Stewardship leaflet and the Pledge card below and packs can also be picked up from church containing all this information.
You will see we have a gap in our projected budget for 2024 which we are hoping to close with the generousity of the worshipping community of this place. We need an additional £250 a week to be able to do everything we hope to in the coming year.
So we invite you over these coming weeks to
- Give thanks to God for all that you have and for all that All Saints means to you, recognising our shared responsibility for the mission, ministry and upkeep of All Saints
- Review your giving, increase your gift if this is something you are able to do or sign up to give regular financial gifts for the first time
This is a personal decision, a choice that only you can make with thought and prayer. We’re all in different circumstances. In scripture we read that, we give from what we have, not what we don’t have (2 Cor 8:7) and that we give from our heart, joyfully (2 Cor 9:7) We know that not everyone will be in a position to do this. Times are hard for many people and stewardship is also reflected in the time and gifts we share with our friends and family at church. We are simply asking that everyone who calls All Saints their home reflect on their annual giving and play a part in the ongoing story of this place.