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All Saints with Holy Trinity A sacred space in the heart of historic Loughborough

Services This Week

Upcoming Events

  • Sunday Holy Communion

    Sun 29th December 2024, 10:45am

    Our main Sunday morning service is Holy Communion to which everyone is welcome to attend. Led by an ordained member of the ministry team lots of people take part making this an act of worship where everyone can participate if they wish.

  • The Table

    Sun 29th December 2024, 7:00pm

    Everyone is welcome at our table.

Visiting the Church

The church building is usually open for visitors on Saturdays: 10am - 12pm but please check What's On for any changes. Visits at other times can be arranged, get in touch to discuss this or any access needs you may have.

We keep our covid measures under review, taking an approach that prioritises protecting the vulnerable. Read more here.

About All Saints

All Saints seeks to be a place where people from all walks of life can connect with a sense of the sacred, explore the Christian faith with depth and intellectual integrity and where love of God is expressed in word and deed.

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Life Events

We serve the members of our Parish community by offering a range of special services for those wishing to celebrate, the arrival of a child, their marriage, or to mourn the passing of a loved one.

Donations and Giving

For those who wish to, it’s easy to make a donation towards the ministry and maintenance of All Saints.

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